Become a Business Member

By becoming a Business Member, you demonstrate your support of Friends of the ACFL’s mission and education programs. There are six different membership levels so whatever your budget, there’s an opportunity to become a member.

Become a Business Member online using the form below or contact us at for more information.

Business Member Benefits

Whether you are a recent Business Member or it has been a few years since you’ve been involved, we are fortunate to be a part of a community that values so highly the Anacortes Community Forest Lands (ACFL). Our education and stewardship programs are funded through a variety of local community sources that collectively support our mission of providing forest education in the ACFL. Local businesses are an integral part of this community and have long sponsored Friends and the work we do.

By becoming a Business Member, you demonstrate your support of Friends of the ACFL’s mission and education programs. There are six different membership levels so whatever your budget, there’s an opportunity to become a member. No matter what level you choose, all members get three great benefits for their contribution:

Media Recognition

All levels will be recognized publicly: on our website, in one of our publications, and on social media.

Annual Event Appreciation

Get a shoutout for your support at one of our annual events that draw members and nonmembers alike. Listed on our flyers, program, benefit website and more!

Membership Levels

Morrison Meadow

$300 per year

Our entry-level membership designed for small businesses provides all of the basic benefits listed above.

Sugar Cube

$1,200 per year

A little steeper climb for businesses able to make a major commitment to our mission provides basic benefits plus two seats and recognition at the popular Annual Benefit Event in the fall.


$6,000 per year

A level for businesses able to sustain a steeper climb and make their contribution to Friends of the Forest a high priority. You’ll receive the basic benefits plus:

  • A table for eight and recognition at the popular Annual Benefit Event in the fall

  • A spotlight article in our triannual newsletter

  • A volunteer work party, teambuilding event, or educational hike in the forest for up to 10 employees.

Old Growth

$600 per year

Our next level of commitment, for small and medium-sized businesses, provides all of the basic benefits plus one seat and recognition at our popular Annual Benefit Event in the fall.

Little Round Top

$3,000 per year

For businesses who are able to support our education and stewardship program at the next level of elevation. You’ll receive the basic benefits plus four seats and recognition at the popular Annual Benefit Event in the fall.

Mount Erie

$12,000 per year

For businesses who are able to contribute resources to help sustain the work of Friends of the Forest at the highest level. You’ll get all of the basic benefits plus:

  • A table for eight and recognition at the popular Annual Benefit Event in the fall

  • A spotlight article in our triannual newsletter

  • A volunteer work party, teambuilding event, or educational hike in the forest for up to 10 employees

  • Sponsorship of one of our educational programs, including photos and a press release in the local newspaper.

Business Membership Online Form